Respect for human rights and fair working conditions
Established the Human Rights Policy
The TOK Group formulated the CSR Policy in October 2020. As its subordinate policies, the Company also formulated the Human Rights Policy referring to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ISO 26000, the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, and other guidelines.
In the fiscal year ended December 2023, TOK implemented CSR training for all directors and employees at Japanese sites, as well as suppliers for some operation centers with the intention of disseminating the Policy throughout the company. TOK will continue to further improve awareness and promote understanding within the Group.
Human Rights Policy
TOK Group respects the basic human rights and diversity, and acts as a good member of the global community in accordance with national and local laws and social norms* related to human rights.
* Social norms: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ISO26000, RBA Code of Conduct, etc.
- Does not discriminate against anyone in recruiting, hiring, assignment, training, reward, promotion, etc., on the basis of birth, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, medical condition, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law.
- Prohibits child labor, forced labor, debt bondage, and human trafficking regardless of the form of employment.
- Prohibits any and all acts that may be considered harassment.
- Endevours to foster and implement fair and impartial treatment of our human resources.
- Maintains a physically and mentally comfortable working environment by ensuring the fairness in employment and the safety at work.
- Respects and guarantee the basic rights of workers stipulated in international labor standards and the constitutions and labor laws of each country and region.
- Properly protects and manages personal information.
Prohibition of child labor and forced labor
The human rights policy clearly states that the TOK Group prohibits child labor, forced labor, bonded labor, and human trafficking, regardless of employment status. TOK has also promoted initiatives covering the entire supply chain, including the statement of procurement considering human rights, occupational safety and health, and other social requirements in the CSR Procurement Policy.